Kaye joined HETAS in 2020 with many years of experience working in leadership and development roles for organisations focused on the promotion and delivery of energy efficiency and affordable warmth. As our Chair and Non-Executive Director, Kaye brings a passion for environmental responsibility which is key to fulfilling our purpose of working together for a cleaner and safer environment, and our mission to support cleaner and safer choices for the use of biomass and other solid fuels, appliances, and associated technologies.

Kaye’s guiding hand helps HETAS to ensure good governance, deliver quality services and develop trusted partnerships for the benefit of our members and the industry, both now and in the future. As such, she has reinvigorated the HETAS Members Advisory Group to include a range of stakeholders and representatives from various sectors including industry experts, academia, consumers, and government. Appointment to the Group is by invitation from the HETAS Board and aims to mobilise the change needed to increase the use of cleaner fuels and more efficient appliances to improve air quality and public health.